How to Understand Your Child Better?

How to Understand Your Child Better?

How to Understand Your Child Better?

To aid in children’s mental development, TUZDER has developed the “Comprehensive Individual Assessment Program” (BBT). This innovative program focuses on optimizing the critical developmental period in childhood by considering mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects.

From the moment children are born, they begin absorbing and recording everything around them at an incredible pace. Their brains, constantly observing and processing, require proper and healthy guidance to foster optimal development. Organized by specialists, BBT evaluates children holistically, assessing their mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual states, and offers tailored guidance and support.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Each child is unique in capacity, talents, interests, and personality traits, leading to diverse needs. The goal of BBT is to understand these individual differences and meet children’s specific needs. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, the program aims to guide children toward fulfilling their potential while providing families with the tools to nurture their growth effectively.

BBT employs intelligence assessments as a foundation for identifying hidden abilities, skills, functional traits, and personality characteristics. These insights allow experts to gather in-depth information, not only revealing strengths and hidden talents but also addressing areas where improvement is needed.

What Sets BBT Apart?

BBT distinguishes itself by taking a comprehensive approach to evaluating children. While educational disparities are often overlooked, the BBT program addresses the needs of children with varying cognitive abilities, including those who may be behind their peers or intellectually advanced. Unfortunately, many children with exceptional talents go unnoticed, their abilities fading within the education system.

Even when parents and teachers recognize these differences, they may lack the resources or knowledge to address them. BBT bridges this gap by providing actionable insights and personalized guidance based on a child’s specific needs.

Target-Driven Guidance for Tested Children

A major distinction of BBT is its ability to set actionable goals for children after testing. Traditional IQ tests provide a mental performance score but fail to address the environmental and developmental factors affecting a child’s potential. By integrating BBT with intelligence assessments, families gain a clearer picture of the steps necessary to help their children maximize their potential.

Why Should BBT Be Conducted Early?

Approximately 80% of brain development occurs by the age of six, making early intervention critical. Identifying a child’s potential early on and designing appropriate educational programs can have a significant impact on their mental, social, and emotional development. By equipping families and teachers with the knowledge they need, BBT ensures that children can achieve their highest developmental potential.

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